New Dawn Birth

Helping you and your family thrive


Whether you are preparing for pregnancy, for birth or recovering and rebuilding post-birth, my services are here to help

 Parents should be nurtured and supported through this life changing transition. Whether it be a first baby or fifth, new families grow and evolve to surround their new baby with love and comfort. For many reasons they often need an extra hand.

If you could benefit from support during this precious time, please get in contact, I would love to help you and your family. You deserve to feel informed, aware, empowered and enriched. 

Therapeutic Services

Hypnotherapy – for those who may have wider areas to explore around birth, fertility, miscarriage, tokophobia, new parenting adjustment, feeding, returning to work, juggling siblings, self-esteem, etc etc etc (if your not sure, ask!)

Free online consultation

first session £50 

followed by £40 per 60min session

Birth Doula

As a birth doula, I am here to support you (and your partner) through your antenatal period and preparation for birth, as well as being someone to hold you up, build your confidence and strength through labour and birth. I am there to smooth the transition as your family grows, and as part of this, I am available to contact with worries or questions and will make a 2 hours postnatal visit.

My role is to be led by you, providing the support that you may need along the way. The kind of support I give is often emotional, practical and informational and will be offered unconditionally and without judgement. 

I draw on my knowledge and experience to provide you with emotional support and physical comfort measures. If the need arises I can help you communicate with your midwife and medical care givers to ensure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions during pregnancy, labour, bonding and early parenting. I can provide a continuous friendly face for you (and your partner), never coming in front of your partner but to provide support for you both. 

Free online consultation

£1000 (includes all antenatal support, labour, birth & postnatal visit)

Postnatal Doula

A postnatal doula can be the caring, supportive, non-judgemental pair of hands to nurture the new parents and baby, to provide support in times of despair and praise for your progress.
We care, we clean, we cook, we hold the baby so you can sleep, we are Mary Poppins but you are in charge, we’re in the shadows allowing you to grow in confidence but offering a step up when needed. I will mould to fit the needs of your family, contact me if you would like more information.

£22 per hour

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